Return to Grace
"Return to Grace" is an episode of the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the fourteenth episode of the fourth season. It is rated 4.1/5 on the official Star Trek Website and it marks the first appearance of the recurring character Damar.
Major Kira is shocked to find out that Dukat will be captaining the freighter transporting her to a conference regarding the Klingon Empire. Dukat was recently stripped of his rank and title because of the revelations surrounding his daughter, Ziyal, and he now works in a dreary job flying an unremarkable trading ship.
When they arrive they find the conference site obliterated, and a Klingon Bird of Prey leaving the area, not even bothering to attack what it considers a lowly freighter. Kira suggests that they adapt the planet's defences for use on the freighter, and then they head after the Bird of Prey. They soon find it, and after tricking the Bird of Prey into thinking they are carrying valuable cargo, uses its new weaponry to cripple the Klingon vessel. After commandeering the Bird of Prey and transporting the Klingons to the freighter, Dukat mercilessly destroys the freighter. Hoping that the capture of the Klingon ship would regain some respect, and spur the Cardassians into fighting the Klingons, Dukat is disgusted by the apparent wishes of his superiors to reach a peaceful solution to the problem instead.
Dukat vows to fight the whole Klingon Empire if he has to, and offers Kira a place on his crew. She declines, taking Ziyal back to Deep Space Nine with her until Dukat's personal war is over.
Arc significance
- After taking his illegitemate daughter back to Cardassia (cf. "Indiscretion"), Dukat has been demoted and his wife and children have abandoned him. Nevertheless, he does not regret his decision.
- Kira helps Dukat capture a Klingon vessel. Dukat kills the crew and tries to convince his government to put up a stronger resistance against the Klingons. He is unsuccessful and decides to forge a war on his own, using the Klingon ship.
- Kira decides that this way of life would be too dangerous for Ziyal and invites her to come live on the station.
- Kira states that the Cardassian rifle will work even after being dragged through the mud. This is a reference to the AK-47, which functions even when covered in mud, sand, or snow.
External links
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